
Getting your team to focus on activities that accelerate their personal and professional growth is my goal.

My speaking engagements are not just motivational but actionable with success translating into something measurable and tangible taken from engaging with me.

I’ll design customized workbooks and pre and post speaking material that will ensure my involvement in your success doesn’t end the moment our speaking engagement does.

You will be hard pressed to find anyone more committed to your organizational success than I am – matched with leveraging a globally rich, successful and incredibly diverse experience, I’ll be your greatest fan to create and compliment the value you aspire for your team.

If you’ve ever wondered what sort of ROI you can expect in bringing me in as a speaker or your next company moderator, please schedule a “real talk” conversation with me today.

Topics of speaking engagements

Cost of personal and professional ownership (multi-industry)

Discovering and leveraging your unfair advantage

Leading from the within — How influence and impact drive innovation and increase brand affinity

Leading with empathy (moderator)

How to increase operational cash flow when running lean

Building customer rapport that increases customer transactional value

How to transition to your dream career (private, academic, and corporate)

Bring me to your next event.

Ramy is available for keynotes, workshops and breakouts. His audiences include entrepreneurs, freelancers, professionals, and students.