Consulting Finance Hospitality Testimonials

Niki Ortiz – Associate Strategic Advisory and Asset Management at JLL Hospitality Group

Ramy was and continues to be an excellent guide and resource during an interview and job search process. Each time you meet him he has a tendency to highlight your strengths and refocus you on all things positive. The tech interview process was very new to me as I am coming from a different industry. Hiring Ramy gave me clarity and insight needed to get so much further along than I would have on my own. He’s an excellent listener, extremely knowledgable, and understands your goals. His guidance and pointers are easy to act upon and he does a stellar job of following up to keep you on track despite these busy lives we live. Working with Ramy gave me a lot of confidence and faith in myself that this is a transition I can make. I look forward to keeping in touch and working with him as I take further steps in my career. Highly recommended.