Engineering Software Technology Testimonials

Steve Gere – Customer Support Engineer at StarQuest Ventures

Ramy has everything you could want in an incredible and transformational coach. He is always acting with compassion, navigating with you and pushing you through difficult tasks, championing your goals, and extracting the very best out of you. Having Ramy as my coach was an investment I pride myself in.

When I was looking to transition to a new area of work, I got proposals from several career coaches, but when Ramy got in touch me with me, he stood out immediately as the one to choose because of his kind and generous personality and his great insight into tech and hiring. His personability and sincerity made it all the more compelling for me to work with him.

He has an amazingly well planned and thought out process and with it we were able to look backward and forward and figure out what kinds of things I wanted to do next.

My measurable outcome: Everything on my job transition journey with him happened exactly as he predicted and when he predicted! Less than 3 months after my first meeting with Ramy, I had a job offer with a company and team that I love!

An extra bonus is that I feel as though I have gained a lifelong friend by working with Ramy. He continues to follow up with me even months after I’ve been at my new job!

Thank you Ramy!