
Ep. 33: How to Avoid the Trap of becoming Data Rich, Execution Poor (DREP)

“Constant misfortune brings this one blessing:  to whom it always assails, it eventually fortifies.” Seneca

As we progress in our careers, many of us find ourselves inevitably in leadership positions commensurate with our hard earned experience.  Naturally, we become better at solutioning while directing others from our team to solve.   Yet when we’ve reached the precise level we aspired for early in our careers, we find ourselves struggling in interviews to execute on, let alone comprehend why we are asked to solve for such granular level problems of the individual contributor role we successfully transitioned from years ago! Are they hiring for a manager/leader or an individual contributor?! So what then becomes of us at this level?  Do we stick around longer in the certainty of our current company despite our yearning to transition? How do we prepare for the circumstances ahead of us while staying relevant and effective in our day to day?  In this week’s episode of the Working Ant, I’m going to coach you on how to avoid the trap of becoming what I dub, “Date Rich, Execution Poor.” You’ll thank yourself years later for listening to this episode!

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